The Pleyel Cake: A Delightful Delicacy from La Maison du Chocolat

Moist and tender... Discover the recipe for one of La Maison du Chocolat's signature cakes, the Pleyel.
Named in honor of the famous eponymous music venue across the street from the first Maison du Chocolat boutique.


For: 6 servings
Prep time : 20 minutes
Indicative baking time: 20 minutes

The baking time may change depending on the material and the mold used, so we advise you to be attentive during this step.

Premium Ingredients for a Decadent Dessert Experience


100g Noir Robuste dark chocolate bar 74%

100g Noir Équilibré dark chocolate bar 66%

5 eggs

180g sweet butter

10g liquid vanilla extract

200g confectioner's sugar

1 pinch of salt ‐ 20g caster sugar

100g white flour type 45

75g almond powder


Easy Steps to Creating the Perfect Pleyel Cake


• Butter a cake pan 25cm in length and keep cool.

• Chop the chocolate into pieces with the butter in a large bowl and melt in a bain-marie over a low flame.

• Separate the egg whites from the yokes and put the egg whites in a large bowl.

• When the chocolate is melted, add in the following order the egg yolks, vanilla, confectioner's sugar, and almond powder. Remove from the flame, add the flour.

• Preheat the oven to 200°C.

• Whisk the egg whites with salt until they have stiff peaks, then add the caster sugar in three times while whisking until firm.

•Gently fold the egg whites with a spatula into the chocolate batter.

• When the batter is homogeneous, stop mixing.

• Dust the previously buttered cake pan with flour and pour the batter into the cake pan.
• Bake in the over for 20 minutes.
• Check to see if it is done by putting a knife into the center of the cake, if it comes out clean, the cake is done.
• Take the cake out of the over and flip it over onto a plate. Let it cool off before tasting.


Tip: this cake will keep for 3 days at room temperature as long as it is covered with plastic wrap.   


La Maison du Chocolat pays homage to cakes, the ultimate dessert, with the Pleyel cake, a delicious chocolate cake which is made to be shared.


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