The chocolate soufflé

Our Chef Nicolas Cloiseau, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Chocolatier, explains how to make individual chocolate soufflés.

For 4 individual soufflés

PREPARATION: 25 minutes

BAKE: 10 minutes



150 g milk

10 g cornstarch        

2 egg yolks

4 egg whites

20 g sugar

160 g dark chocolate 60/70%



Crafting Chocolate Soufflés

  • Preheat oven to 170°C.

  • In a pan, bring the  milk to the boil.

  • In a bowl, mix together the cornstach with the eggyolks. Then pour this mix in the hot milk. Mix well.

  • Bring this mix to boil again and bake it during 1 minute while mixing without stopping.

  • Pour this mix into a bowl containing 150g of chocolate. Mix it until the chocolate is completely melted and homogeneous.

  • Beat the egg whites until stiff and then add the sugar by little to the egg whites.

  • Incorporate the egg whites in the chocolate mix and mix it slowly with a spatula.

  • Butter and flour with sugar 4 individual ramekins. 

  • Fill the 4 ramkins and put the rest of the chocolate in it (1 or 2 squares per ramekins) then smooth to the edge and the top. 

  • Bake at 170C° for 10 minutes. 

  • Sprinkle the ramekins with icing sugar when removed from the oven.

  • Enjoy right away.

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