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La Maison du Chocolat Pacific Place太古廣場
88 Queensway金鐘道 - 999077 Hong Kong
電話 : +85225222010
星期一 - 星期日: 11h - 20h
La Maison du Chocolat Elements圓方
1 Austin Rd W - 0000 Hong Kong
電話 : 21968333
星期一 - 星期日: 11h - 20h
La Maison du Chocolat ifc Mall國際金融中心廣場
8 Finance Street 中環金融街8號 - 999077 Hong Kong
電話 : +85228014880
星期一 - 星期日: 11h - 20h
La Maison du Chocolat Prince Building太子大廈
Shop 114 Landmark Prince's, 10 Chater Road - 999077 Hong Kong Island
電話 : +85228014122
星期一 - 星期六: 11h - 19h
星期日: 11h - 18h
La Maison du Chocolat Lee Garden One利園一期
33 Hysan Avenue 希慎道 - 999077 Hong Kong
電話 : +85229072002
星期一 - 星期六: 11h - 19h
星期日: 11h - 18h
我們的朱古力該在室溫下品嚐。 我們建議您先咬一口朱古力,讓它於口內溶化,並有足夠時間將其味道發揮。 當您在品嚐數種朱古力,最好由原味朱古力開始品嚐,然後再品嚐其他味道的朱古力,次序如下:果味朱古力、香料,最後是酒香朱古力。
No fewer than 3 days are required for the artisanal production of our French-style Fine Champagne Truffles, which feature a mousse center, a thin layer of chocolate, and a cocoa coating. The combination of chocolate, cream, and butter used to create these ganache truffles is initially smooth and silky before it is spread out on marble surfaces. 24 hours later, this melt-in-the-mouth mixture has crystallized, taking on a mousse-like texture. Slowly worked with a mixer to incorporate air, the ganache develops a light, airy texture. 24 hours later, each sphere is coated with a veil of chocolate and plunged into bitter cocoa powder. Cognac is blended with cocoa for an edgy combination. This chocolate/alcohol mixture retains the varied aromatic flavors of both ingredients. Fine champagne cognac's amber notes bring out the natural flavors of raisins and nuts.