Gourmet Recipe : Chocolate Mousse Recipe

An airy mousse with intense notes of chocolate, a crunchy disk of ganache…a cloud of sensations and a play on textures in this dessert, a childhood favorite of our Master Chef Nicolas Cloiseau.

For: 12 individual mousses
Prep time: 45 minutes

Chocolate Mousse Ingredients

225g egg yolks - 150g caster sugar (1) - 45g water - 425g Noir Equilibré chocolate bar 66% - 570g whipped fleurette cream 35% fat - 240g egg whites - 60g caster sugar (2)

Crafting Chocolate Mousse: Step-by-Step Creation

  • Melt the chocolate at 55°C.
  • Beat the egg whites adding the caster sugar little by little (2).
  • Heat the sugar (1) and water to 121°C and pour over the egg yolks. Beat until mousse-like texture.
  • Add the melted chocolate then the whipped fleurette cream. Finish with the whipped egg whites.
  • Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour before pouring the ganache on top


Mousse au Chocolat - La Maison du ChocolatMousse au Chocolat - La Maison du Chocolat

Chocolate Ganache Ingredients and Recipe

Ingredients : 

180g fleurette cream 35% fat - 15g Acacia honey - 80g Noir Equilibré dark chocolate bar 66% - 30g Noir Robuste dark chocolate bar 74% - 25g Lait Musclé milk chocolate bar 37%

Steps by steps

  • Bring the cream with honey to a boil.
  • Pour over the previously chopped chocolate. Let it all melt for 2 minutes.
  • Emulsify with a whisk by making small concentric circles until you obtain a smooth and shiny mixture.
  • Pour the ganache at 31°C.

Tip from our Chef: if you do not have a food thermometer, put a little ganache on your lips. At 31°C, you should have a sensation of cold.





Financier Gift Box 8 pieces

Experience a mix of taste sensations when you bite into a plain and chocolate financier. The crispy outside gives way to a wonderfully soft inside, with a unique buttery taste.


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Dark chocolate on milk chocolate with slivers of hazelnuts.
